Who is a medical ventilator for?

Views: 697 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2023-02-16 Origin: Site

A medical ventilator is a machine that provides mechanical ventilation by moving breathable air into and out of the lungs and is used to deliver breath to patients who are physically unable to breathe or who are not breathing adequately.
People can be kept alive with the help of a ventilator when their respiratory system is impaired and they are unable to breathe on their own, but it is only suitable for a very small number of patients because it has certain side effects and his side effects are more likely to cause a decrease in body function.


Prolonging life
The use of a ventilator can improve blood oxygenation, prevent carbon dioxide retention and improve lung compliance. It can also promote breathing and prolong life in people with severe respiratory disease, and is an essential tool in surgical and emergency measures.

Impact on lung breathing
Long-term use of a ventilator has significant disadvantages, as the body's physiology decreases and so does the lungs' ability to expand as a result of prolonged use.
In subtle ways, prolonged use of a ventilator can paralyse the respiratory muscles and cause the body's natural respiratory function to decline, so do not use a ventilator for long periods of time for conditions that are not too serious.

Who are the best candidates for medical ventilators?
People with respiratory failure diseases are best suited to the ventilator, as are newborn children.
If the lungs are not sufficiently developed or the respiratory capacity is weak, you should also rely temporarily on a ventilator for assisted breathing. Although not suitable for prolonged use, the ventilator occupies an irreplaceable place in clinical medicine as an effective means of artificially replacing basic respiratory functions and is the most commonly used method during major surgery and in emergency resuscitation.

The ventilator is often used during surgery and has saved countless lives, but this device has its drawbacks and should not be overly relied upon except for patients who must be ventilated, as this can cause a decline in their own breathing capacity. There are advantages and disadvantages to the ventilator and it is important that people learn to use it to their advantage, otherwise it can also have a detrimental effect on them.

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